Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Heritage of Dutch in the Indonesia

The existence of Dutch in Indonesia after 350  years colonize of course related with heritage of Dutch, and especially in the form of building with style of colonial that there are at various area.

Building with architecture of Dutch as follow :

1. Engelsche Brug.
Bridge around street of Kali Besar, Jakarta that be built at year 1618 with material from wood.

2. Bridge Cikuda.
Bridge of train that be built by Staatsspoorwegen at year 1792, and be passed by passenger train and plantation product.
3. Stadhuis.
Stadhuis as a building for the city hall that be functioned to manage need of society administration and as a College van Schepen ( Council of Municipal ) with function for handling problem about law at Dutch era. Stadhuis be built in the early century 16 and be finished year 1712 with instruction Gurbernur General Jan van Hoorn. Design building similar with City Hall Amsterdam, located in Street of Taman Fatahillah Jakarta. At this time be used as museum of Jakarta.

4. Westzijdsch Pakhuizen.
Building that be built at year 1652 located in Street of Pasar Ikan, Jakarta, and have Harbour master tower with function for observing secretory ship enter port of sunda kelapa. At era of Dutch colonize Indonesia, Westzijdsch Pakhuizen functioned to keep spice, and now as a museum Maritime.

5. Municipal Theatre.
Music-Hall with located in Street of Gedung Kesenian No. 1 Jakarta be built by Governor General of Dutch Daendels. Initially so called Municipal Theatre, Schouwburg or so-called as a Playhouse.

6. Societeit Concordia.
Building located in Street of Asia Afrika, Bandung be built at year 1879 by van Galen Last and C.P. Wolff Schoemakers. Then so called Building of Merdeka ( Independence ) as a place for Asia African conference 1955.

7. Building of Aneta.
Building for press agency of Aneta ( Algemeene Niews en Telegraf Agentschap ) located inJakarta and be built at century 19.

8. Riswijk.
Building of Riswijk that be built year 1796 at governance of Governor General van Overstraten, in Street Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, and since year 1816 building of Riswijk becomes residence of Governor General Indies Dutch .

9. Paleis Weltvreden.
At this time, building of Paleis Weltvreden be used to as a Building of Appellate Court. Government of Dutch build this building with aim for making palace with parade ground of Waterloopein ( now Bull ground ), Batavia. Paleis Weltvreden be built year 1809 at period of Governor General Du Bus.

10. KPM Kantoor.
Building that be built at year 1916 and initially functioning as a office of KPM ( Koninklijke Paketvaart Matschappij ). Now KPM Kantoor becomes building of Directorate General of Sea Communication.

11. Building of Raad van Justitie.
Building of Raad van Justitie be built at year 1866 - 1870 and functioning as a Raad van Justitie or Council of Dutch Judgement. Now become museum of fine arts and ceramic.

12. Holandsche Kerk.
Holandsche Kerk be built year 1640 on Street Pintu Besar Utara, Jakarta. Building ofHolandsche Kerk function as church so called Oude Holandsche Kerk. Then change name become Nieuwe Holandsche Kerk. There are complex of funeral for all Dutch functionary that pass away in Batavia, for example : Jan Pieterzoon Coen. At year 1939, Holandsche Kerk turn into museum so called de Oude Bataviasche or museum of Batavia old. Now, Holandsche Kerk become Indonesia puppets museum.

13. Gouvernements Bedrijven Kantoor.
Building that have location in center of town Bandung be built at year 1920, and be designed by Ir. J. Gerber from Landsgebouwendients ( Post at Building of Country ) with be assisted by team from Burgerlijke Openbare Werken ( Department of Public Work ) and Gemeentelijk Bouwbedriff ( Company With Specification at Building of Township ). At period of Dutch colonization, Gouvernements Bedrijven Kantoor function as governance institution, and now becomes office for Governor of West Java ( Gedong Sate ).

14. Paleis Buitenzorg.
Paleis Buitenzorg have location in Bogor, and be built by Governor General of Dutch Baron van Imhoff at year 1745. Functioning as a resort, but then become formal habitat for Governor General of Dutch and functionary of governance Indies Dutch at year 1870 - 1942. Now, famous with the name of Palace Bogor.

15. Complex of Great Garden Bogor.
Garden that have location in side of Palace Bogor with the width of 111 hectare be built by Dr C.G. Reinwardt, Botanist.

16. Soerabaia Gouverneure Kantoor.
Building with location in aloen - aloen straat and Joharlaan ( now, street Pahlawan) Surabaya be built year 1929 by NV.Nedam, and then becomes office for Governor of East Java.

17. Soerabaia Hoogere Burgerschool.
Soerabaia Hoogere Burgerschool be built year 1923 with architect J. Gerber and be located in HBS straat ( now, street Wijayakusuma Surabaya ). Now, function as Senior High School ( SMAN 1, 2, 5, 9 ).

18. Building NIAS
Building of Nederland Indische Artsen Straat ( now street Darmahusada ) built at year 1920 - 1922, with architect by Wiemans. Now functioned as a Faculty Public Mediciness, University Airlangga Surabaya .

19. Fort Veredeburg.
Fortress that be built with aim to observe all activity of society Mataram and also to protect business of VOC. Fort Veredeburg be built by VOC 1765 in form of square and be encircled ditch. This fortress be located across with Glorious BuildingYogyakarta.

20. Fort Rotterdam
Fortress that be built around year 1545 by one of King Gowa so called Imanrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung. Material from clay with style Portugal. Moment VOC in command, this fortress be rebuilt by the name of Fort Rotterdam and become one of governance center and commerce VOC in East Indonesia.

21. Fort Speelwijk.
This fortress have location in Countryside Kasemen, Serang, West JavaFort Speelwijkbuilt by VOC year 1685, at period of governance of Sultan Banten Abu Nasr Abdul Qohhar. In Fort Speelwijk there are commandant space, church, arsenal, administration office, VOC market, and chamber of commerce. Reconnaissance space be located in the up of wall northside.

22. Fort Marlborough.
This fortress is heritage of English that be located in Bengkulu. Fort Marlborough be built by EIC year 1713 - 1719 with command the Governor General Joseph Callet. This fortress is fortress most strong in the Asia, after Fort George in MadrasIndia.

23. Fort Vastnburg.
Initially, this fortress so called Grootmoediheid be built by Governor General Baron van Imhoff year 1745 as a defence fortress for VOC in Central Java. In era Nederlands Indie, this fortress become workplace protector for Governor General of Dutch ( Soerakarta Gouverneure Kantoor ).

24. Fort de Kock.
This fortress be built in Bukit tinggi year 1825, moment there are resistance from Tuanku Imam Bonjol and Harimau nan Salapan overcome war of paderi.

25. Fort Victoria.
Fortress that be built by Portugal year 1575, then be mastered by Dutch at year 1602. This fortress is Dutch defence from rebellion of Saparua.

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