Rabu, 09 Mei 2012


Soeharto born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta 8 June 1921. He born from a simple family is namely spouse of Kertosudiro and Sukirah, its father is assistant of countryside leader in arrange water of village and also as a farmer. Soeharto represent as a true individuality is a soldier, have been chosen becomes soldier in School " Bintara ", Gombong, Central Java at year 1941.

Formal to joint forces with TNI at 5 October 1945. After 2 year later, its precise on 26 december 1947,Soeharto married with Siti Hartinah, child from officer of mangkunegaran, nuptials take place in Solo. From the marriage be bestowed : Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmajo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Hutomo Mandala Putra, and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.

Journey Career Soeharto :
  1. Begin from military sergeant rank of KNIL.
  2. Becomes commandant of PETA.
  3. Commandant resimen as a Mayor.
  4. Commandant batalyon as a Letnan Kolonel.
Achievement of career Soeharto :
  1. Year 1949 with its team succeed to retake Yogyakarta from Dutch.
  2. Becomes guard of Panglima Besar Sudirman.
  3. Becomes Panglima Mandala ( Iiberation of Irian West ).

On 1 October 1965 one day after erupt rebellion of G-30-S / PKI, Soeharto take the reins " Angkatan Darat " ( Ground Forces ). Because its service can put to rout PKI Soeharto be lifted becomes " Pangkopkamtib " by President Soekarno. In maret 1966, Jendral Soeharto accept " surat perintah sebelas maret ( Supersemar ) " ( warrant of eleven maret ), containing of duty take security and orderliness, and also protect teaching from big leader at era of revolution is namely Mr. Soekarno.

After be refused its, responsibility of President Sukarno at special conference of MPRS year 1967, Soeharto be selected as a President functionary, then be confirmed becomes the second of President RI at maret 1968. govern this country more than three decade pass six times " PEMILU ( Pemilihan umum ) " ( general election ). To the last its, The great demonstration by student of college forced President Soeharto to retire at 21 may 1998.

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