Mother that pregnant very often experience morning sickness
so that occur decrease of passion eat though this matter can influence intake
of nutrition and foetus growth.
Mother that pregnant require nutrition for her self and also
foetus, therefore mother require eat more and varying so that fulfilled all
requirement of nutrition from carbohydrate, fat, protein, various vitamin, and
mineral. Nutrition most important that be required by pregnant mother is folat
acid. Considering if folat important for growth of brain baby ought to
candidate of mother that have plan pregnancy have to consume food acidulous of
folat begin three-month before pregnancy so that at early pregnancy have been
answered the demand requirement of folat. Consumption of folat when be
expressed pregnant, is can be told lose time because forming of center nerve
formation at foetus will begin in the early pregnancy, this matter relate to
folat capable prevent and lessen risk of Neural Tubes Defect ( NTD ) or
abnormality of center nerve formation at foetus. Amount of folat that be
required during pregnancy around 600 microgram per day. Folat as a group
vitamin of B much consist in bean, broccoli, grist, orange, strawberry, and
Besides folat, requirement will ferrum and calcium also important at pregnancy period. Calcium very needed especially when pregnancy entering trimester of second and third, namely period where foetus experience rapid growth and occur forming of bone. Requirement of calcium that be suggested around 1200 mg per day ( equivalent 2 glass of milk or 125 gram of cheeses ). Calcium can be obtained from egg, milk, small fish, salmon fish, sardine, green vegetable, bean ( peanut and soy ) and sesame. Requirement will ferrum during period of pregnancy take place differ adapted with requirement that be needed foetus. Entering trimester second, requirement of ferrum reach 35 mg per day / BB. At trimester third, requirement of ferrum become 39 mg per day / BB. Ferrum can be obtained from flesh, liver, egg, sereal, bean, and green vegetable.
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