Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Old paradigm mention that human being golden age is two first year afterbirth. However, these assumptions began to erode because new findings prove that the golden age is 266 days in utero and two years after birth, therefore the stimulus of brain intelligence can be prepared since the fetus in the womb.

The more often stimulated, brain cells will growing well and is expected synapses between braincells formed more.
Synapse is liaison canal between the brain cells, so that more much synapses are formed then much also information that can be absorbed by the fetal brain. This is makes a child become smart and quickly accept of information.

Programs of child intelligence in the womb linked with brain cells continue to grow, multiply, and occur change of functions that halted in the age of eight months of pregnancy period. During the process of development of brain cells take place, mother can stimulate this development with optimal one of them by external stimuli such as sound in the form of music.

Song or music is a perfect harmony of sound and according biomolecular music play a role in brain activity. Music also helps regulate nerve cells ( neurons ) in the cerebral cortex. In addition, music can reduced apoptosis is a process of cell death naturally. Music that is played is the sound stimulus to the fetus through the abdominal wall and the wall of the mother's womb, then up to the ears and finally until to the brain fetal.

The type and benefits of music stimulation on brain depends on the intensity, duration, frequency, color, and type of instrument that is played. Basically, all types of music can influence on the brain, but there are certain types of music that is more recommended, such as classical music, especially masterpiece of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart's music is easy accepted the fetus because it has a frequency of 3000 - 8000 Hz is similar with to the fetal brain waves. Minor tone in masterpiece of Mozart's relatively a little and rhythm as according to the mother's heartbeat. The best time to listen to music for the fetus is at 8 pm to 11 pm, because at that time fetal activity increases so sensitive to stimuli from the outside. When the mother should stimulate in calm conditions, comfortable, the mood was happy, not bad mood because also will affect on fetal.

Music does not only become one a single stimulus to reach development the golden age of child intelligence, it also must be combined with a balanced nutrient intake to achieve optimal results. Important for pregnant women prepare the nutritional needs of four healthy five perfect ( enough need of vegetable, fruit, carbohydrate, protein and fat ) and foods containing DHA, such as milk, vitamin tablets and fish oil.

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