Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Some of baby often not get milk from mother and be given milk of formula at two first year as a period of gold age.

Occurence of intolerance to milk of formula at baby less than 2 year can be caused baby not yet can digest milk protein perfectly, to overcome these problem there are choice which can be given in the place of milk that is egg yolk. Egg yolk contain high fat have the character of fully filled as a energy supporter for baby and contain high lesitin that good for brain growth.
Egg yolk in the place of milk must be ripe, with considering raw egg yolk containing many bacterium while defence of baby to disease agent, especially baby that not get milk mother by exclusively is still lower. Egg yolk that be given to baby less than 9 months have to be paid attention occur allergy or no, because body endurance is still lower. If baby appear allergic sign, consumption of egg yolk have to immediately be discontinued because egg yolk is one of the allergen at baby that allergy to certain food. If allergic sign have decreased, egg yolk can be given step by step and if allergy can be recovered egg yolk consumption can be improved.

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