Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Factors affecting birth weight of infants, among others :

1. Maternal age.
Progressively young the age of mother ( less than 20 years ) or progressively old ( above 35 years) causes the mother's womb condition less than optimal for providing nutrition to the baby so that birth weight of baby is small.
2. Maternal disease history.
Diseases which have been suffered by mothers such high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, tumors and obstetrical infection can influence birth weight of baby.

3. Amount of conceived babies .
Progressively high amount of conceived babies ( more than three ), so that progressively small the baby's weight that is born. Rarely a mother who gave birth to twins three or more with birth weight of baby more than 2500 grams, although the age of pregnancy into nine months.
In the twin pregnancy occurred competition for get nutrients from the mother of the maximum and have the character of parasitic are nutritional sucking one another, so that strong baby will become greater his birth weight and the color red because of excess of nutrients and blood red. Conversely, a weak baby weight will be smaller and pale because of lack of nutrition and blood.

In addition besides birth weight of babies, matter which need careful is body shape of baby at birth is position project of the baby in the womb so that along with increase body weight and age will adjust to the environment in the womb.

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