Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding

Early initiation of breastfeeding is baby begin suckling alone by the breast crawl immediately after birth.
In general, early initiation of breastfeeding can lessening death of baby that have age under 28 day, improve efficacy breastfeeding exclusively, improve baby duration of suckling, stimulate production of breast milk, and strengthening refleks suck baby.
The advantage of early breastfeeding specifically include :

A. For baby.
Contact of skin among mother and baby can making optimal situation of hormonal, stabilizing exhalation, control baby body temperature, improve pattern of sleep better, pushing skill of baby for breastfeeding effective and quicker, lessening weep during one first hour. Moment of breast crawl, baby will licking skin of mother so that bacterium from skin of mother be removed, then multiplying and forming colony at skin and intestine of baby that functioning give protection to infection.
Early initiation of breastfeeding able making bilirubin more quickly normal and release of meconium quicker so that lessening occurence of icterus at baby newborn. Early initiation of breastfeeding have advantage causes colostrums immediately will be produced which adapt requirement of baby so that give first passive impenetrability to baby, because colostrums have important role for protection to infection, growth of intestine, the continuity of baby life. Colostrums will make layer that protecting baby intestine wall that not yet mature and at the same time making baby intestine wall becomes mature.

B. For mother.
Contact of skin among mother and baby can stimulate production of oxytocin ( assisting contraction of uterus so that lower bleeding pasca birth, stimulate release of colostrum ) and prolactin ( increase production of breast milk, prevention of stress, delaying ovulation ).

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