Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


1. Taking sperm cells.

There are several techniques of sperm intake, include :
  • Masturbation
  • Coitus interrupted
  • Sucked out of the male gonad
  • Coitus with a condom
  • Sperm is poured into the genitals of women who directly sucked with quickly.
  • Sperm in a dream
  • Of the other six are the best technique is number one. Sperm taking process followed by the separation of sperm cells in semen, then poured in a tube containing a special solution.

2. Taking ova cells.

A. Stimulate ovulation.
By nature, women in one month only took one ovum cell, therefore tried to be in an tube baby cycle can be obtained more than one of cell ova. Stimulate ovulation was given starting in the second day of the menstrual cycle with injectable fertility drugs every day. Start the seventh day menstrual cycle of wife's is monitored every day by ultrasound ( USG ), if there are cells that mature ova or not, if there are no ovum that mature the injection continued. If you already have a mature ovum cells will be taking.

B. Taking mature ovum cells
After mature ovum cell must be taken before off by itself or ovulating. Taking the ovum cells with the help of an ultrasound is done through the genitals of women which early with anesthesia beforehand.

3. Preparing the spermatozoon.
When done taking ova cells, technique of washing to the husband's sperm and conducted the sperm cell's chosen the right - really good.

4. Fertilization.
Spermatozoa with the best quality was sown into the cup that containing an ovum cell, then the cup is returned to the incubator for approximately 18 hours and then checked again to see if occurred the fertilization process. If fertilization has occurred, cells that have been fertilized ovum is returned to the incubator for 24 hours, after which the cup was taken back to be examined whether there was cell division. Candidate of fetus have experienced cleavage is called an embryo and embryo generally consists of 4 cells.

5. Transfer result of the cells.
The fertilized seeds have collected into sterile place in the form of instrument syringe, then inserted and placed into the uterus.

About placement of cells there are many possibilities, include :
  • Intravaginal ( the top of the vagina )
  • Paracervikal ( around the mouth of the uterus )
  • Intracervikal ( in the cervical canal )
  • Intranterin ( in the cavity of the uterus )
  • Intracervikal and Intranterin done when there is cervical of uterus abnormalities that can hinder the entry of sperm cells outside the uterine cavity. The number of sperm cells are included in intravaginall and paracervikal is one to several millimeters, while those inserted in intracervikal and intranterin is one to several drops.

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