Kamis, 12 April 2012


Sleep required to kept stability of health after doing activity, because at the time of sleep occur process of cell change thatdamage, relaxation of muscle, relaxion of cardiac muscle, the decrease ofpressure and body temperature, also cure nerve system so that time woke up fromsleep body will be fresh return.

The job that busy as a cause of some people do not have many time for the sleep, though sleep less than eight hour per day have high risk can be attacked disease.

Oftentimes anyone can experience of insomnia with criterion as follows :
  • Difficult to sleep after laining down body in bed.
  • Often woke up in the midnight.
  • Quickly wake up sleep or cannot sleep in long time.
  • Cannot sleep tobe accompanied with heart palpitate and brain recollect occurence which have been done all day long.

The effect of insomnia can trigger risk, as follow :
  • Weakness of body, tired, the decrease of body endurance.
  • Eye seen melancholy,pale skin, dizzy head.
  • Trouble at other body organ like stomach, heart.
  • The decrease of ability think and concentration.
  • Emotion notcontrolled and thin-skinned.

The Effort that can be done for prevent insomnia, include :
  • Exercise can assist to water down sleep because energy more cast away and body become tired.
  • Avoid eat night and shall not eat before sleep.
  • Warm water bath assist muscle become relax.
  • Lighting in bedroom better rather lour.
  • Listen song with soft tone.
  • Avoid caffeine, coffee, tea, and cigarette.

Sleep for health of besides be influenced time of sleep alsodepend on sleep position as follows :

1. Position of sleep oblique above stomach right side.Position both of thigh rather buckling, right hand put under cheek. Thisposition similar with position of foetus in uterus, and as a position ofrelaxation most ideal and healthy because lungs left side smaller, the decreaseof cardiac burden, liver more independence and not hang, stomach can reside inabove liver with calm position. Position of sleep oblique above stomach rightside is one of the medical step to water down function of windpipe left side inquickening secretion of mucus and the way of easiest to empty food which havebeen digested.

2. Position of sleep oblique above stomach left side.Position of sleep indisposed because cardiac position reside in under lungsright side larger than lungs left side so that cardiac function become weaken,if stomach loaded full also can depress liver and cardiac.

3. Position of sleep laying down with chest at down ward.This position cause asphyxia because fulcrums of backbone burden inhibit chestfor inhale and exhale respiratory so that tire brain and cardiac. Sleep layingdown with chest at down ward also result hollowing force at neck blood-vesselside of behind.

4. Position of sleep supine.This position can cause respiration of mouth because mouth will be open by selfbecause relaxation of jawbone under. Respiration of mouth can trigger happenedto inflammatory the mucous membrane at red lane and nose, dryness of gum tillinflammatory of gum. Position of sleep supine as a cause movement of jaw underand uvula that variance with gap cavity at behind the nose and inhibitrespiration stream so that can cause grunting.

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